California to Kennewick.

California to Kennewick.

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Mon, Apr 6, 2015. Sister Gresham in Richland...

and W. Richland and Prosser and Benton City. The joys of serving in a ysa branch! We cover the whole stake! :D
This week was great! things are awesome! miracles all over the place!!
First time getting to write the baptism symbol on someones teaching record! yea buddy!

On Tuesday we do service for a lady with a farm and I got to pet her horses! What a joy! and it always feels good doing service :D
We have a ysa kid getting baptized in a few weeks. We had a great lesson with him on wednesday night. We read some Book of Mormon with him and had a moment where he realized that he knows its true and it was awesome! We also taught him the law of chastity with an emphasis on the temple and eternal families. It was reallyyy powerful...I may have cried a littlle...maybe. But really, I am soooo grateful for Gods commandments they are gifts hes given us to be safe and happy and be prepare for eternal life with him :D
We do bible study with elderly people who have dementia. Its really powerful and the spirit was reeeeeally strong <3 I love them. Its a gift to spend time with them.
We made easter eggs as a lunch time activity this week lol
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"That was the best conference EVER!!!!" - Direct Quote from President Ware lol
It really was! I feel sufficiently rebuked, guided and uplifted. The spirit really testified to my that I need not be afraid of being bold. Elder Oaks said "you have to be willing to take the risk...thats where faith comes in...its supposed to be hard" BOOM! There it is. I love testifying of truth but often worry about offending or being pushy, but i realized that there is a difference between that and being bold with love. And seriously, we have like the least offensive and most joyful message everrrr!!!
God loves His children, He sent us here to learn and grow, but knew we would mess up and disqulifiy ourselves to return to him, so he sent Christ to atone for us and be our perfecr example. And thru Him we can find earthly and eternal joy and peace. Seriously. Awesome!
I was also reminded a lot about how the principles and skills I'm learning as a missionary can be transitioned into, or used in motherhood and it was really awesome haha
I'll send more quotes later.

Had dinner with the Branch Presidents wife and she gave us these <3 sooo sweet! we are crazy spoiled! lol

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Love you all!
Missionary work is hard, but THE BEST!!!
Sister Jennifer Gresham

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