California to Kennewick.

California to Kennewick.

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Sister Gresham in W. Richland - April 20 2015

Life is awesome. Being a missionary is the best. Everyone should do it. lol.

So, on tuesday we were walking down the street and a man pulled over and started talking to us...this is all that matters from that convo...
"my brother is an episcopal minister...somethings wrong with that guy...he stole my painkillers and pot...whats he going to do when I'm dead...?"
Sis F: "painkiller and pot wont save your life..."
we also oym'd him thru his dog and he said his dog, Red, is a devout catholic...
"well, Red, we believe in Jesus Christ too...and thru the book of mormon..." lol.

as a missionary, people feel reeeeally comfortable and will say anything and everything to you...
"this one time, when I killed a man..." its interesting sometimes...haha but also really cool. I think whether people recognize it or not, they can feel that we are called to be representatives of Christ and can feel our love for them.

Wednesday: we taught G. I love her and she reminds me a lot of myself when I was learning about the church. She wasnt raised with faith and isnt sure yet if God is there, she knows deep down but its new for her. And she struggled with the Priesthood and feelings of inequality in the church. I made sure to shut that down. I've been there and its tom foolery. Womanhood is awesome. Jesus Christ is the greatest Advocate for woman and the brethren are His special witnesses and think we are super great haha. Anyways, shes great and has lots of horses.

I always try to take pics with horses (they are everywhere<3) and

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We go sing hymns and read the bible with dementia patients. There is a man named Merle, who can only repeat all or part of what was just said to him. He perks up sooo much when we read and sing. This time he felt the spirit so strong he had tears coming down his face. It was powerful. After we thanked him for being awesome and said that we know his kids were blessed to have a great father who taught them about God and he said "I try" it was was seriously, so amazing. The spirit every time we are there is craaazyy strong. I am grateful to being able to serve them. I feel so blessed.

After we went street contacting and went up to a biker gang...cuz, why not? haha. All left but one, who stayed and talked to us, hes a self proclaimed Odinest and kept winking at me and licking his lips. bahhhh. but we was listening! so, we kept talking haha and he committed to watch "Because He Lives" hes totes gonna see that Jesus loves him, get baptized and have eternal joy.

During weekly planning...we made a friend..she just wandered into our apartment.
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I taught Hermana Patas La Restauracion Del Evangelio Jesuchristo (Translation: I taught Sister Paws the Restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ) 
I cant speak more spanish now! :D

June and Shout are having their baptismal interviews tonight and get baptized on sat! They are sooo prepared. June and their daughter Jade (6) came to a baptism on satuday (in the Columbia ward, where I served before and I was reunited with people I love there and it was magical!) and they both felt the spirit soooooo strong! Jade keeps saying that she "wants to be a missionary like Sister Gresham and Sister Faulkner" SO MANY FEELS! I'm soooo excited for them!!

So, we are teaching lots of aaaamaaaazing people. But, June and Shout are the only ones who have read and prayed every day and their progress is BANANAS!!! Its really strengthened my testimony of prayer and scripture study. WE do not convert a soul. We are peoples guides and  invite them to act in faith, when they do, the Holy Ghost teaches and testifies and they are changed. Its sooo incredible!!!

Yesterday we went to Prosser to visit M, a YSA who is on date. We saw to women stranded on the side of the road with a flat tire. So, Rowdy, a recent convert leaving on his mish 2 weeks pulled over and fixed their flat tire while we taught them and gave them a book of mormon! :D

it was pretty out so i took a selfie...lool

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Life is awesome!!! Being a missionary is so amazing <3
I used to get suuuper nervous about talking to people on the street and stuff(I still kinda do) but I feel Gods love for them. Sure, some are mean. But how can I not share?! I have been called by a Prophet of God to share the most glorious message and happiest news in the world! These are ALL gods LOVE Children! How can I keep my mouth closed?! I cant! Life is good.

I love you all!!
Go read and pray about the Book of Mormon. It changes lives when done with a sincere heart. I promise.

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